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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
SHUBH SAGAR pure veg +squar 43
SHUBHAM pure alluminium 21
SHUBHAM pure fragrances 3
SHUBHAM pure ghee +cow 29
SHWETA pure cow ghee +cow 29
SHWETA pure danedar ghee 29
SHYAM KRISHNA pure ghee +go 29
SINGH pure henna +hands 3
SIRMORE fresh-n-pure +cow 29
SNEHA pure ghee +trees cows 29
SONA GOLD pure coconut oil 29
SP safe & pure +drop & oval 11
SPA pure aqua 32
SPAAJ AMBIKA pure kaprooram 3
SPARSH pure coconut oil 29
SPICEZZAA pure n tasty 30
SPK soya pure 29
SPLASH pure drinking water 32
SRI HANS pure & sure +arcs 32
SRIRAM pure ghee +oval 29
SS brand pure karpooram 3
ST. BERNARD pure grape 33
STANNO pure 1
STAR pure snacks +cartoons 30
SUDH TULSHI pure for sure 30
SUMUL pure ghee +man 29
SUN brand pure agarbathies 3
SUNDAY SARAS pure cow ghee 29
SURYA pure ghee +sun & cows 29
SURYA pure steel 6
SURYA fresh & pure ghee +su 29
SUTRA pure ayurveda +leaf 3
SWAD pure spices +chef 30
SWARAJ pure ghee 29
SWARNAM pure gingelly oil 29
SWEET LIGHT pure milk kulfi 29
TAAN pure drinking water 32
TAAPI pure ghee +cows 29
TADKA pure mustard oil 29
TAHIR pure indian tea +cup 30
TANMAY pure aqua 32
TARA 100% pure olive oil 29
TASCONI pure olive oil +can 35
TEA & ME pure teas +cup arc 30
TEKKA pure 25
THARA pure indian spices 30
THEMES pure water 32
TISZTA the pure 32
TKK brand pure +godess 30
TORASA pure mustard oil 29
TOTAL pure TP +arcs & ovals 11
TPSGOLD DAIRY assured pure 29
TRIHOOT brand pure ghee +co 29
TRIKAYA pure silver +arc 14
TRIVENIYAM pure & safe wate 32
TT pure spice 30
TTI pure raw honey +hexagon 30
TULSI pure assam tea +plant 30
TURKIZ pure olive oil +oliv 29
TURKY PLUS pure olive oil 29
UDIT traditionally pure 29
ULTRA pure 20, 32
UMA pure ghee premium 29
UMIYA agmark pure cow ghee 29
UMIYA agmark pure ghee 29
UTSAH pure ghee +cows 29
UTSAV pure mustard oil 29
UTTAM pure ghee +cows 29
V-DESI pure veg +plants 43
VAANAM'S pure aqua 32
VALLEY pure 32
VANDANA pure ghee 29
VASO pure 5, 30
VEDAS pure cow milk +cows 29, 30
VEGA pure vegetarian +squar 43
VEJOVIS pure ayurveda +plan 5
VELCO pure coconut oil +tre 29
VERKA phulo phalo pure khao 31
VERSA-pure 11
VIJAYA pure ghee +cow 29
VIJAYA pure ghee +cows 29
VINAYAKA pure herbs +leaf 5
VIRON pure water +oval 11
VISAWA pure veg 42
VK pure vodka 32, 33
VSA pure & healthy +oval 30
VVD GOLD pure coconut oil 29
VVD sure n pure 30
WHITE MISCHIEF pure vodka 33
WIPRO pure n clear 3, 16, 25, 30
WIPRO pure n gentle 3, 16, 25, 30
WIPRO pure n natural 3, 16, 25, 30
WONDER pure ghee 29
YSR pure sandle +stars oval 3
Z KOLHU pure mustard oil 29
ZEAL fresh & pure +cow 29
ZEN BERRY eat pure +arcs 29
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